GET INVOLVED!  Sign up to volunteer for the PTA today.


Volunteering for PTA events is crucial for several reasons:


  1. **Building Community**: Participating in these events fosters a sense of community among parents, teachers, and students. It provides an opportunity to connect with other families, build relationships, and create a supportive network that enhances the overall school experience.


  1. **Enhancing Student Experiences**: Many of our events, such as fundraisers, family nights, and educational workshops, directly benefit our students. Your time and effort help us organize activities that enrich their learning and create lasting memories.


  1. **Supporting Educational Initiatives**: Funds raised through PTA events help finance essential programs and resources that may not be covered by the school budget. By volunteering, you play a crucial role in ensuring that our children have access to the best possible education.


  1. **Setting an Example**: When you volunteer, you demonstrate to your children the importance of giving back and being active in their community. Your involvement shows them that education and community engagement are values worth prioritizing.


  1. **Making a Difference**: Every hour you contribute makes a real impact. Whether it's helping set up for an event, organizing activities, or simply lending a hand, your participation helps us create successful events that benefit everyone.


We have many upcoming events that need your support, and we welcome any time you can offer. Your involvement, no matter how big or small, is invaluable to our school community.


Thank you for considering volunteering with us. Together, we can make a difference in the lives of our children and create a vibrant school environment!


Complete the Volunteer Interest form and we will be in touch with you. 

Please review our Donaldson PTA Volunteer Code of Conduct located HERE.
Please review our volunteer frequently asked questions HERE.

Clearances needed for volunteering 

In order to volunteer in the school, each parent volunteer is required to have all three criminal background clearances and to update the clearance every five years.


     Click here for more information about volunteering in the West Allegheny school district.


     West Allegheny School District Fact Sheet for Volunteers



Email the completed forms to Mrs. Borgo at